Thursday, March 5, 2009

Let's talk about Sex...

In a recent article the Austin American Statesman’s, main focus was the teaching of abstinence in public schools. Not only is the program expensive, it apparently, doesn’t get the message across anyway; leaving Texas 3rd in the nation for teenage pregnancies. The main argument is that, while teaching abstinence is a sound practice, these teenagers also need to be taught how to use contraceptives as well. Many conservatives feel that teaching anything other than abstinence will send a message to these teenagers that it’s ok to have sex. Wake up call…they’re already having sex. What they need to learn is how not to get pregnant and how to be safe regarding STD’s. Let me pose the situation in a different context. I tell my 9 yr old son when he rides his bike to “stay on the sidewalk”. Now, because I feel very strongly that the sidewalk is the safest route for him to ride, this does not mean that I will not explain to him the rules of the road. The goal is to teach all children how to live life the right way but, to give them the skills they need to survive if they stray.

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